Monday, December 1, 2014

Vlog - Anonymous vs. KKK

In early November, due to a recent controversial situation in Ferguson, Missouri, the Ku Klux Klan of the surrounding area announced their intention of using lethal force to subdue protesters.  It seems clear to most people that this is a veiled excuse to execute their white-supremacist ideals and harm members of the African-American community.  In retaliation to the KKK's threat, Anonymous, a loosely organized group of hactivists, initiated "Operation KKK," an organized effort to cripple the racist group through the use of doxing and DDoS attacks.  In a show of power, they announced their intentions through a hacked KKK Twitter account.  Such attacks are widely considered ethically wrong.  In my opinion, though, the noble purpose behind the unethical actions justifies them.  It is hard to make a blanket rule and decree something totally unethical, because circumstances vary from situation to situation.  I applaud Anonymous and vocally support them in their endeavor to thwart the KKK's malicious purpose!

Video Blog Link

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the KKK is a despicable organization, but I disagree that Anonymous is a noble organization. Have you ever heard the saying, "two wrongs don't make a right?" Just because you and Anonymous agree that the KKK should take their message elsewhere (or even abandon it) doesn't mean that Anonymous is on the side of right. What is to stop them from attacking the Church (yes, our church, the LDS Church) because they perceive our doctrine as intolerance for homosexuals or as promoting inequality among men and women? There is nothing to stop them. Will you applaud and support their movement then?
