Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Getting untangled from the web

Technology has dramatically changed the way we live our lives.  It increases our productivity and allows us to shift our attention away from rote tasks, freeing up time.  With that extra time comes the choice of what to do!  It seems that many people use that time recreationally on the internet.  There are so many other things we could be doing!  We could be learning of new ideas through study and reading books, spending time with family, or relaxing our minds with meditation.  Instead, we oftentimes fill our heads with short-term amusement found all over the very technologies that save us that time to begin with!  The very technologies that increase our productivity also provide enormous potential to waste.  I believe that it important in one's personal ethics to manage their time wisely and make sure a decent amount of time is being dedicated other things that matter in this life.  I think families would be stronger if its members spent a little less time on devices and more time together interacting.

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