Monday, September 29, 2014

Artists and Creativity

In the third episode of Triumph of the Nerds, Steve Jobs introduces the idea that "good artists copy [and] great artists steal."  While not entirely false, I disagree with the wording of this statement.  Stealing is taking credit for someone else's work and is not artistic.  In my opinion, great artists have the ability to not only take inspiration from and improve upon the ideas of others but also create their own ideas.  Taking this concept in another direction, I can see how the rise of the internet has led to an increase in creativity, which to me is the root of good art.  The internet is a giant hub of ideas.  People who would have not met otherwise are entering into contact and exchanging ideas and concepts.  On the flip side, there will always be people produce unoriginality in hopes to glean a share of the success of already-popular ideas.  The internet is replete with examples from both ends of the spectrum.  I believe that great artists are still around and that the internet has been a catalyst in helping them create great art in whatever form it may be.


  1. Well said Steven. I do believe the internet is a breeding place for new ideas and for creativity to flourish, and then again there will also be people in the internet that want to exploit the ideas of others (just look at the App or Play Store: there are thousands of clones of other popular and creative ideas!).

  2. I agree with the ideas you present here, but I also think that Steve Jobs would agree. Many people misunderstand what Steve Jobs was saying when he quoted Picasso that way (and many people misunderstand Picasso's quote). What was meant, was just what you said. To "steal" in this context, is to take someone else's idea and extend it to make it your own, to make it something new. Copying something is just reproducing the idea without taking it and making something else from it.

  3. I agree with the ideas you present here, but I also think that Steve Jobs would agree. Many people misunderstand what Steve Jobs was saying when he quoted Picasso that way (and many people misunderstand Picasso's quote). What was meant, was just what you said. To "steal" in this context, is to take someone else's idea and extend it to make it your own, to make it something new. Copying something is just reproducing the idea without taking it and making something else from it.
