Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apple Attackers


Mac or Windows - a question is sure to evoke an emotional response from almost any computer scientist.  Apple users tend to tout claims of greater security, to which Microsoft fans generally don't have much to say.  It's true.  It is common knowledge that Macs get less viruses than Windows machines.  But is Apple's security really all it's talked up to be?  Recently, there have been a number of security breaches, including the leaking of celebrity photos and the bug in the Unix, the operating system upon which Mac OS is based.  Both of these security breaches happened very recently.  While two occurrences does not define a trend, it is certainly alarming to note that they happened so close to each other.  While steps were taken to correct these mistakes, the fact that they happened in the first place is troubling.  As Apple products have and continue to become more credible and popular alternatives, I believe we will see an increased attention from people with malicious intent.

1 comment:

  1. A clever hacker cannot be protected against. They will always find a way in, no matter the operating system. Part of the reason Mac has always been "less vulnerable" is because there are so many more windows computers, and that there are more windows computers in business places. As more macs are cropping up in the workplace and among individuals, it is becoming more advantageous for hackers to begin targeting them. It will be interesting to watch how things change in the next 20 years
